
Table of


Appendix A

OCR Keywords Index

Accurate, real-time BDA DSA13

Active Capabilities DBS07

Advanced Propulsion MTD04

Airborne C4I EELS24

Artificial Intelligence DSA16

Automated Interpretable Communications DSA15

Automated Planning & Rehearsal DBS19

Battle Command Support Teams (BCST) BC13

Battle Planning/Rehearsal MTD17

Battlefield Hospitalization CSS09

Battlefield Information Control BC01

  • Collecting
  • Cross Cueing
  • Sensors
  • Processing
  • Distributing
  • Battlefield Information Passage BC02

  • Information Architecture
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • BCST CONUS Connectivity BC16

    BCST Footprint BC17

    BCST Non-Digital Unit Interfacing BC18

    Combat Health Logistics System (CHLS) & Blood Management CSS11

    Combat Health Support in a Biological/Chemical Environment CSS13

    Combat Stress Control CSS14

    Command & Battle Staff Training BC23

    Command Modular Organization BC26

    Command Posts (CP) MTD18

    Common Picture BC07

    Communications Interpretability Joint & Coalition Forces DSA19

    Constructive Simulation EELS21

    Containerization & Packaging CSS03

    CSS Training Support CSS24

    Day/Night All Weather, All Terrain Sensor DSA12

    Deception Capabilities EELS10

    Decision and Planning Support BC03

  • Decision Aids
  • Deep Attack Systems DSA01

    Dental CSS15

  • Medical Communication for Combat Causality Care (MC4)
  • Digitization of the Mounted Force MTD15

    Dismounted Digitization DBS20

    Dismounted Forces Acquisition Countermeasures DBS08

    Dismounted Non-Lethal Means DBS02B

    Dismounted Soldier Communication & Information DBS21

    Dismounted Soldier Engagement of Moving & Stationary Targets DBS01

    Drop Zone & Landing Zone Intelligence DBS11

    Drop Zone Assembly EELS02

    Electronic Tethering BC06

    Employment of Non-Military CSS25

    Enhanced Dismounted Soldier Indirect Fires DBS05

    Enhanced Mobility for TMD & Precision Strike Attack Systems DSA22

    Enhanced Survivability of Deep Attack Systems DSA05

    Extended Range Of Target DBS14

    Extended Ranges Of TMD System DSA02

    Far-Forward Surgical Support CSS08

    Field Services CSS20

    Firepower MTD01

  • Directed Energy
  • Electro-magnetic Launch
  • Lasers
  • Microwave
  • Particle Beams
  • Spoken-Human Machine Dialogue
  • Force Projection EELS17

    Force XXI Training BC24

    Fratricide Avoidance DSA06

    Hands-Free Operation BC11

  • Enabling Technologies
  • Host/Nearby Nation Support EELS19

    Identify & Locate Non-Traditional Signatures EELS13

    Identify Targets EELS05

    Identify, Locate, & Defeat Targets Using Traditional &Non-Traditional Signatures EELS14

    Improved Weapons pointing & Control DBS16

    In-Stride & man-made Obstacles Avoidance/Breaching MTD05

    In-Transit/Total Asset Visibility/Distribution Management CSS02

    Increased Dismounted Soldier Target Acquisition Capabilities DBS03

    Increased Lethality of Dismounted Soldier Weaponry DBS02A

    Increased Control of Battle Tempo DBS17

    Indicators & Warnings For Dismounted Soldiers DBS10

    Individual Protective Equipment for Mounted Forces MTD11

    Information Attack BC19

    Information Enable BC22

    Information Exploitation BC21

    Information Presentation BC05

    Information Protection BC20

    Information Fusion Technology Supporting Precision Strike DSA17

    Integrated Target Acquisition DBS13

    Joint/Coalition Doctrine BC25

    Logistics Command, Control, Communication, & Automation (C3A) CSS01

    Logistics Force Design CSS23

    Logistics Mobility CSS17

    Logistics Survivability CSS21

    Long Dwell Surveillance At Corps And EAC DSA11

    Low Signature/Low Observation MTD08

    Media Impact BC27

    Medical Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) CSS05

    Medical Laboratory Support CSS12

    Miniaturized Soldier Communication System EELS23

    Mission Planning Tools EELS22

    Mobility Enhancements DBS24

    Mobility MTD03

    Mounted Command & Control On The Move (C2OTM) MTD14

    Mounted Forces Situational Awareness MTD16

    NBC Decontamination MTD13

    Near Real Time Data Fusion DBS18

    Near-Real Time Deconfliction of Airspace & Targeting Data DSA18

    Non-Lethal Munitions EELS06

    Operations Other than War CSS04

    Passive Capabilities DBS06

    Patient Evacuation CSS10

    Personnel Service Support (PSS) CSS22

  • International Maritime Satellite(INMARSAT)
  • Streamlined Automated Logistics Transmission System (SALTS)
  • Tri-Service Tactical Communication System (TRI-TAC)
  • Post Strike Assessment/Battle Damage Assessment DBS12

    Power Generation MTD06

    Power Sources & Accessories CSS19

    Precision LOS Munitions & Weapon System EELS01

    Precision NLOS Munitions & Weapon Systems EELS04

    Prevention of Fratricide MTD12

    Preventive Medicine CSS06

    Rapid Breaching of Obstacles by Dismounted Forces DBS22

    Rapid Insertion of Army Equipment & Aviation EELS18

    Rapid Location & Identification of Passive Targets DSA14

    Rapid Supply/Resupply of Early Entry Forces EELS16

    Rapidly Deployable Attack DSA21

    Real Time Seamless National Targeting Dissemination DSA10

    Real Time Targeting EELS12

    Real-Time Location & identification of Targets DSA09

    Real-Time, On Board, All Weather Precision Terrain Location DSA07

    Reduced Soldier Load DBS25

    Remote Early Entry Forces EELS07

    Robust, Streamlined, Multi-Node Processing DSA08

    Sensor to Shooter Linkage DBS15

    Sensors for Mounted Forces MTD19

    Signature Reduction DBS09

    Simulation MTD20

    Situation Awareness EELS11

    Smart & Brilliant Munitions for Deep Attack DSA03

    Smart and Intelligent Mines DBS04

    Smart Pull / Brilliant Push BC04

    Smoke & Obscurants MTD09

    Soldier/Equipment Camouflage EELS09

    Soldier/Equipment Protection EELS08

    Space based Early Warning EELS15

    Split-Based Connectivity BC08

    Staff Support BC14

    Suppressive Fires EELS03

    Survivability MTD07

  • Ballistic Impact
  • Electromagnetic Pulse
  • Overpressure Effects
  • Thermal Effects
  • Susceptibility to Threat Detection MTD10

    System Interpretability BC09

    System Sustainment CSS18

    Tactical Dismounted Mobility DBS23

    Target Acquisition MTD02

    Target to Shooter Information Fusion BC10

    Team Building BC15

    Terrain Independent Communication & Information Distribution DSA20

    Theater Missile Two-Tiered Defense DSA04

    Training & Leader Development DBS26

    Treatment of Battlefield Wounds, Injuries, and Disease CSS07

    Upgrade Exploitation BC12

    Vessel Discharge EELS20

    Veterinary CSS16


    Section I


    AC        Acquisition Corps
    ACM       Advanced Concept Manager 
    ACT II    Advanced Concepts and Technology II 
    ACTD      Advanced Concepts and Technology Demonstration 
    AERS      Army Education Requirements System 
    AES       Army Experimentation Site 
    AESO      Army Experimentation Site Officer 
    AIEP      Army Ideas for Excellence Program 
    AIT       Automatic Identification Technology 
    AMC       U.S. Army Materiel Command 
    AMCD4     Advanced Medical Diagnostics Communications for Combat Casualty 
    AMMED     Army Medical Department 
    AMP       Army Modernization Plan 
    AMSAA     U.S. Army  Materiel Systems Analysis Agency 
    AO        Area of Operation 
    AOR       Area Of Responsibility 
    ARI       U.S. Army Research Institute 
    ARL       U.S. Army Research Lab 
    ARO       U.S. Army Research Office 
    ARPA      Advanced Research Projects Agency 
    ASTMP     Army Science and Technology Master Plan 
    ASTWG     Army Science and Technology 
    ATD       Advanced Technology Demonstration 
    AWE       Advanced Warfighting Experiment 
    BAA       Broad Agency Announcement 
    BAG       Budget Aggregate Group 
    BC        Battle Command 
    BC(G)     Battle Command (Gordon) 
    BC(H)     Battle Command  (Huachuca) 
    BC(L)     Battle Command (Leavenworth) 
    BLEP      Battle Lab Experiment Plan 
    BLESOR    Battle Lab Experiment Senior Officer Review 
    BLITCD    Battle Lab Integration, Technology, and Concepts Directorate 
    BLESS     Battle Lab Support Element 
    BLEW      Battle Lab Warfighting Experiment 
    BoD       Board of Directors 
    BTT       Battle Lab Technology Teams 
     C2       Command and Control 
    C2V       Command and Control Vehicle 
    C2W       Command and Control Warfare 
    C4I       Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence 
    CALL      Center for Army Lessons Learned 
    CEAC      Cost Evaluation and Analysis Center 
    CEP       Concept Evaluation Program 
    CEPSARC   Concept Evaluation Plan Schedule and Review Committee 
    CG        Commanding General 
    CHLS      Combat health Logistics system 
    CINC      Commander in Chief 
    COIC      Critical Operational Issue Criteria 
    CONUS     Continental United States 
    C-RISTA   Counter-Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition 
    CS        Combat Support 
    CSS       Combat Service Support 
    CTC       Combat Training Center 
    D&SA      Depth and Simultaneous Attack 
    DA        Department of the Army 
    DASA(RT)  Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology 
    DBS       Dismounted Battle Space 
    DCD       Director for Combat Developments 
    DCSDOC    Deputy Chief of Staff for Doctrine 
    DCSOPS    Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans 
    DCST      Deputy Chief of Staff for Training 
    DE        Directed Energy 
    DFBS      Defense Finance Battlefield System 
    DIS       Distributed Interactive Simulation 
    DTLOMS    Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Materiel, and Soldiers 
    DZ        Drop Zone 
    EAC       Echelons Above Corps 
    ECBRS     Enhanced Concept Based Requirements System 
    ECC       Experiment Concept Committee 
    EELS      Early Entry, Lethality, and Survivability 
    EMP       Electro Magnetic Pulse  
    FLIR      Forward Looking Infrared 
    FOA       Field Operating Agency 
    FORSCOM   U.S. Army Forces Command 
    FTW       Future Technology Workshop 
    GICOD     Good Idea Cut Off Date 
    HQDA      Headquarters, Department of the Army 
    IAW       In Accordance With 
    IEW       Intelligence and Electronics Warfare 
    IPL       Integrated Priority List 
    IPPT      Integrated Process and Product Team 
    IR&D      Independent Research and Development 
    JCS       Joint Chiefs of Staff 
    JTFC      Joint Task Force Commander 
    LAM       Louisiana Maneuvers 
    LO        Liaison Officer 
    LOT       Logistics Over the Shore 
    LZ        Landing Zone    
    LRRDAP    Long Range Research, Development, and Acquisition Plan 
    MACOM     Major Army Command 
    MBS       Mounted Battle Space 
    MDEP      Management Decision Package 
    MEL       Military Education Level 
    MEDEVAC   Medical Evacuation 
    MHE       Materiel Handling Equipment 
    MOA       Memorandum of Agreement 
    MOU       Memorandum of Understanding 
    MOUT      Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain 
    MRDALC    Medical, Research, Development, Acquisition, and Logistics Command 
    NBC       Nuclear, Biological and Chemical 
    NCA       National Command Authority 
    NDI       Non-Developmental Items 
    NGIC      National Guard Intelligence Center 
    NMS       National Military Strategy 
    OCR       Operational Capability Requirement 
    ODCSCD    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments 
    ODP       Officer Distribution Plan 
    ODUSA(OR) Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Operations Research 
    OMA       Operations and Maintenance, Army 
    OML       Order of Merit List 
    OOTW      Operations Other Than War 
    OPFOR     Opposing Force 
    OPSEC     Operations Security 
    OPTEC     U.S. Army Operational Test and Evaluation Command 
    ORSA      Operations Research and Systems Analyst 
    OV/VM     Office Vision/Virtual Machine 
    PAM       Pamphlet 
    PAO       Public Affairs Officer 
    PAT       Process Action Team 
    PCS       Personal Communications System 
    PEO       Program Executive Officer 
    PERSCOM   U.S. Army Personnel Command 
    PM        Program Manager 
    POC       Point of Contact 
    POI       Programs of Instruction 
    POM       Program Objective Memorandum 
    PPBES     Planning, Program, Budgeting, and Execution System 
    RC        Reserve Component 
    R&D       Research and Development 
    RDEC      Research, Development, and Engineering Center 
    RDTE      Research, Development, Test and Evaluation 
    RIMS      Research & Development Information Management                                         	     System 
    RODP      Roll-Off Discharge Platform 
    S&T       Science and Technology 
    SAMS      School of Advanced Military Studies 
    SATCOM    Satellite Communications 
    SIGSEC    Signal Security 
    SITREP    Situation Report 
    SME       Subject Matter Expert 
    SOF       Special Operation Forces 
    SOP       Standing Operating Procedures 
    SOR       Senior Officer review 
    SS3       Sea State 3 
    SSDC      Space and Strategic Defense Command 
    STO       Science and Technology Objective 
    TAA       Total Army Analysis 
    TBG       TRADOC Budget Guidance 
    TDA       Table of Distribution and Allowances 
    TDAD      Training Development and Analysis Directorate 
    TBM       Theater Ballistic Missile 
    TECO      Test and Evaluation Coordination Officer 
    TM        Threat Manager 
    TOE       Table of Organization and Equipment 
    TRADOC    U.S. Training and Doctrine Command 
    TSARC     Test Schedule and Review Committee 
    TTP       Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures 
    TWV       Tactical Wheeled Vehicle 
    USPACOM   United States Pacific Command 
    UAV       Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 
    VTC       Video Teleconference Center 
    WFLA      War Fighting Lens Analysis 
    WMD       Weapons of Mass Destruction

    Section II


    Battle Command

    The art of decision making, leading, and motivating soldiers and their organizations into action missions; includes visualizing current state and future state, then formulating concepts of operations to get from one to another at least cost; also, includes assigning missions, prioritizing and allocating resources, selecting the critical time and place to act, and knowing how and when to make adjustments during the fight.

    Battle Dynamics

    Five major interrelated dynamics that define significant areas of change from current operations to Force XXI Operations; dynamics are Battle Command, Battle Space, Depth and Simultaneous Attack, Early Entry, Lethality and Survivability, and Combat Service Support.

    Battle Space

    Components of this space are determined by the maximum capabilities of friendly and enemy forces to acquire and dominate each other by fires and maneuver and in the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Combat Service Support

    The essential logistics functions, activities, and tasks, necessary to sustain all elements of an operating force in an area of operations.

    Command and Control Warfare

    The integrated use of operations security, military deception, psychological operations, electronic warfare, and physical destruction manually supported by intelligence to deny information to, to influence, or to degrade adversary command and control capabilities while protecting friendly command and control capabilities against such actions; command and control warfare applies across the full range of military operations and all levels of war.

    Depth and Simultaneous Attack

    The simultaneous application of combat power against an enemy throughout the depth and breadth of the battlefield; objective goes beyond defeating the enemy; objective is to accelerate enemy defeat.

    Early Entry Operations

    Operations involving the initial deploying forces, they occur whenever the missions require the projection of U.S. forces from the continental United States or else where.

    Operations Other than War

    Military activities during peacetime and conflict that do not necessarily involve armed clashes between two organized forces.


    Major General,GS
    Chief of Staff

    Acting Deputy Chief of Staff
    for Information Management